230 / 308 Split - Legendary
219 / 308 Free Coin - Legendary FR
076 / 308 Vacuum Cleaner From Hell - Common
002 / 308 Stock - Common
033 / 308 Master Chef - Legendary
202 / 308 Rest - Legendary
237 / 308 Light Clover Flower - Legendary
239 / 308 Sword Of Destiny - Legendary
255 / 308 Schizophrenia - Rare
272 / 308 Four Arms - Legendary
184 / 308 Return - Legendary FR
125 / 308 Eleanor's Hand - Legendary
070 / 308 Clone Bomber - Uncommon
113 / 308 Ancient's Grimoire - Legendary
139 / 308 Second Breath - Uncommon
142 / 308 Slime Slug - Rare
195 / 308 Hammer Of Destruction - Common
221 / 308 Clover Field - Rare
235 / 308 Contributor - Legendary
032 / 308 Library Master - Rare
269 / 308 Counterfeit - Rare
182 / 308 Royal Protection - Common
009 / 308 Ollaf & Ollia - Rare
075 / 308 Ravenous Imp - Common